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Saturday 1 December 2018

Spend Management Software to Manage your Employee Spending Effectively

With spend management solutions, businesses will have increased compliance, data accessibility for improved decision-making and a better idea of spending, making it easy for you to focus on better planning. Around 40% of companies use pen and paper, 27% use Microsoft applications such as Excel to generate expense reports. These old-fashioned paper-based processes are difficult to track, erroneous and vulnerable. All these make employee-initiated spending the second largest controllable expenditure for most organizations.

Cumbersome spend management processes would slow down the reimbursement process. More than 80% of employees state it takes more than a month for expenses to be approved. Mostly, employees get benefit from features such as direct deposit, expense report automation, integrated travel booking, mobile receipt capture, and approval. Automating internal processes and moving to cloud-based expense report systems is where you have to put in an effort to streamline the processes. This way you can set clear budgets for various categories of corporate travel.

With improved expense reporting process, organizations can better control costs and cut down spending by switching to software-as-a-service solutions. Cloud-based expense report software requires less maintenance compared to legacy systems or in-house solutions that require a lot of administrative work.

Cloud-based solutions allow us to easily integrate with other internal systems that a part of the internal processes. Say, the accounting system is a part of the reimbursement process. When you have on-premise systems, you have to maintain data in two different systems, which would require you to manually enter the data into two systems. This would waste a lot of productive time for your finance/accounts department. In contrast, having a centralized system can help you access data between the systems. This allows you to easily interface with the systems and gives you room to analyze the data and make informed decisions. Besides cost savings, scalability and security, cloud-based solutions can help businesses focus on strategic initiatives rather than expense report filing. Automating spend processes can cost a fraction of legacy systems and provides immediate returns on investments.

The benefits of spend-management solutions exceed beyond financials.

Mobility is the best characteristic that users would most like in the automated system. Mobile features such as automatic receipt capture, report creation, and approval are important as workforce become more mobile. Going mobile not only saves employee time but also speed up the internal processes. Mobility alleviates the need to save receipts as employees can just snap a picture directly from their smartphone and attach the receipt to the expense report. Besides this, GPS is another feature wherein employee can track the distance traveled while on the business trip. This prevents the ability to commit mileage fraud as the total distance gets directly populated in the expense report.

Employees who travel frequently should be able to book travel plans, submit invoices or approve travel requests directly from their mobile. This is where your spend management system should include travel booking system. Having a travel booking portal such as SutiTravel allows businesses to define custom rules and policies within the system, so when an employee tries to book an out-of-policy travel, the system restricts when making a booking. This way you can avoid employees from booking out-of-policy trips. Pre-trip approval requests are one more feature that helps you to stay within the budget. In pre-trip approval process, employees should submit an expense request listing the estimated expenses. These travel requests will be sent for approval. Upon successful business trip, employees can directly convert these requests into expense reports, saving a lot of time for both employees and reviewers.

Also, this helps you to define budgets for itneraries and control overage spending. The integration allows you to pull-in the travel data directly from the portal to the expense reporting systems. So, employees need not spend time entering the travel data again into the expense report. Similarly, your spend system should integrate with accounting and invoice solutions so as to streamline other processes.

A modern spend management system allows you to deal with travel, expense reports or invoices in a better way. Choosing a solution such as SutiSpend management system not only streamlines internal processes but also makes it easy for you to manage to spend company-wide. Our integrated system allows various departments to stay connected so you can gain a complete picture of spending, enrich employee experiences, improves decision making, increases compliance and focus on strategic business objectives.

Author Bio:
Kevin Peterson is a content marketing enthusiast, freelance writer at SutiSoft ,
specializing in Business, ERP, Technology and Cloud/SaaS trends.

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Wednesday 24 October 2018

6 bitter truths no one ever told you about small business

As  a small  business  owner,  nothing  motivates  like the  hope  that your enterprise  will  eventually buy you  financial freedom.

Sadly,  it's not every entrepreneur that gets  to see this reality. It has  been reported  that only 33% of small  businesses make  it  to t heir 2nd year anniversary. Although most entrepreneurs set out with foolproof business  plans, well  researched market analysis and  an  attitude  that could bring  down the  moon, they seem  to loose  motivation, money and the  enthusiasm to continue as  time  goes  o n. It is my opinion that such entrepreneurs  got more than  they bargained for because they were  not prepared  for the challenges  when  the  complex responsibility of maintaining  the balance in a densely competitive  market place came  knocking. Below are 6 little truths  every  small  business  owner should know about small  businesses.

1. It takes time to break even

 Many startup entrepreneurs entering  the  market  place come with the  illusion of  recovering  their  invested capital  in the shortest time  possible. This puts  undue pressure  on both the entrepreneur and the  business  in  general. There is need for every small  business  to establish  an  enduring business  brand  before going  to  maximize profits  as  no building can  stand firmly and securely without a strong  foundation.  It is important to avoid putting  the  cart  before the  horse to prevent business  failure.  Every small  business  entrepreneur must give himself ample time  to establish  a clean  chain of  command, mode of operations,  proper market presence, efficient bud geting  and  record keeping  strategy,  excellent customer satisfaction and  commiserate staff  salary and  allowance structure. As  a business  entrepreneur, you need  to understand that the market place is  designed as  a reward system  and revenue  is only generated based  on the  value  added.

2.  Starting a small business affects  you  emotionally

This is a rarely discussed factor  that affects all  small  business entrepreneurs.  The fact is that the journey into the  realm of financial freedom will  definitely  take it s  toll  on you emotionally, and otherwise. This happens  because you will  have  to work for longer hours, make complex administrative decisions and adhere to a strict budgeting structure.Society has a way of misunderstanding every entrepreneur with the determination to succeed; so you must get used to criticisms and feelings of loneliness. These are the price you as business entrepreneur must pay if you're to succeed.

3. Every small business entrepreneur is both a leader and a manager

It is important to be able to switch roles, as a small business entrepreneur, between leadership and  management. As a leader, the vision for, and eventual outcome of the business is your personal responsibility. This is usually an enormous weight to bear because you are to blame, or to be praised for the success  or failure of the business. As a manager, it is also your duty to coordinate the daily operations schedule of the business. Most small business owners make the mistake of outsourcing the management of the business; this is ill advised as you can't give a new born baby to a nanny to nurture. You need to prepare yourself for duties such as accounting, budgeting, employee relations, customer relations, branding, sales and marketing,etc, because swapping between these roles will be psychologically and emotionally challenging.

4.  Small businesses also pay tax

Many small business owners become frustrated when the little profits made are  swallowed up as taxes. Be that as it may, it is advisable to forge the habit of prompt tax payment to avoid legal action against your business which could affect your brand.

 5. Get ready for attacks and opposition

In preparing for competition, you should prepare for the  worst and  hope  for the best. Every business faces internal and external attacks and oppositions,  especially from more established corporations. It's best to create a unique market presence (brand) and perfect your unique selling proposition.

 6. You will make mistakes

Lastly, it's important to know that mistakes are part of the game. It's important to allow yourself make the necessary mistakes that build the right character and tenacity for success. Don't allow your mistakes to end your dreams, but use them as stepping  stones to success. Mistakes allow us to explore our strengths and weaknesses and to become aware of them.

Mistakes are the rungs in the ladder of mastery.
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Monday 8 October 2018

Top 50 best business advice

As an entrepreneur you will face challenges and go through tough times on the course of running a business which is not inevitable, this is the reason why I would love to share with you best business advice I have ever come across.

The road to business success, Is a long and bumpy one, often littered with pitfalls before success comes knocking.

To keep you on the right track whenever you experience setbacks, failure, and barriers, I have combined 50 resourceful best business advice to make you stay positive always.

 This best business advice is from the world's best leaders, inventors,  and billionaires that are highly recognized at the mention of their names.  Do enjoy and be inspired.

1.Richard Branson

best business advice

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is a well-known business magnate, author, investor, and philanthropist. He is the Founder and CEO of Virgin Groups, the firm that controls more than 400 companies, ranging from retail, music, and transport.

This is Richard Branson best business advice on how to succeed in any kind of business you do.

'If you can change people's lives, then you have a business'

‘Business opportunities are like buses, they are always another one coming'

‘A passionate belief in your business and personal objectives can make all the difference between success and failure. If you are not proud of what you are doing, why should anybody else be?'

Lesson: Love what you do as a businessman because if you don't, you might give up in the long run. This is one of the most common traits every successful entrepreneur you see have.

2.Dr.Aliko Dangote

best business advice

Dr. Aliko Dangote is a well known and prominent Nigeria business tycoon, industrialist, investor and also the owner of Dangote Groups. Which has an interest in commodities in Nigeria and other African countries

The tycoon shares one of the ideas that led to him being a successful businessman.

'Don't kill the competition. Competition is healthy for businesses. It keeps you the entrepreneur on the toe.'

 Lesson: Never see your competitor as an obstacle rather see them as an advantage either by selling the best products or services to your customer that would meet their needs.

3.Colin Powell

Colin Powell was an American State's man and a retired four-star general in the United States Of America army. The general gives his best advice on business's success.

‘They are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure'

Lesson: This summarizes everything about the business, success is no magic. Is the effort that you put in today that you will see the result tomorrow.

4. Steve Jobs

best business advice

Steve Paul Jobs was an entrepreneur and business magnate. Not only that, he was also the chairman, chief executive officer, and a co-founder of Apple Inc ( One of the best leading names in terms of mobile phones and computers. Who later died on October 5th, 2011 after battling pancreatic cancer. This is one of the best business advice from Steve Job I can hold onto, anytime any day.

‘Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people'

'Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life'

Lesson: I personally love this business advice a lot. Reasons because a team with like-minded individuals will achieve a lot when running a business. I believe in Teamwork makes the dream work

5.Thomas J Stanley

'You can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate yourself to encounter fear with courage. Making critical decisions about your career, business, Investments, and other resources conjures up fear, fear that is part of the process of becoming a financial success'

6.David Ogilvy

David Mackenzie Ogilvy was an advertising tycoon, founder of Ogilvy and mather, also known as the Father of advertising. He shares his business advice on how to make your product better.

‘If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative'

Lesson: You have to make your product stand out from the crowd either by making it more innovative.


'From my very first day as an entrepreneur, I have felt the only mission worth pursuing in business is to make people's lives better'

Lesson: Entrepreneurs are known as problem solvers. Identify a problem in the marketplace and bring in a solution!

8.Mark Zuckerburg

best business advice

Mark Zuckerburg is a well known American technology entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the leader and co-founder of one the most leading social media networks, Facebook. Which has successfully connected billions of people across the world.
He shares views on how to run a business easier and faster.

‘I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress'

Lesson: Absolutely, you will get things done faster if you start the things that are easier.

'Move fast and break things". It means, if you are not making any mistakes, you are not moving fast enough. What people initially perceived as mistakes turned out to be a billion-dollar idea – a social network that would one day connect the whole world'

 Lesson: In whatever you do as an entrepreneur, continue till you get done even if you make mistakes. I have been an internet entrepreneur for years, I know the mistakes I have made while running my online business and as times goes by I begin to learn new things in every mistake being made by me.

9.Mike Adenuga

best business advice

Mike Adenuga is notable Nigerian billionaire businessman and emerged as the 2nd person in Nigeria. He is the owner of Globacom company, Nigeria's second largest telecom operator and has a presence in Ghana and Benin Republic.
The philanthropist gives an advice on you to be working hard as a business owner.

'The harder you work, the luckier you get.'

Lesson: But how can a businessman work harder and get luckier? You can attract big clients to your business if you are hardworking and you can also get a contract if you are also hard working. That's luck

10.Michael Leboeuf

Michael Leboeuf is an American business author and former management professor at the University Of New Orleans. He advised business owner on the customer's satisfaction.

‘A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all'

11. Jack Welch

Jack Welch is an American retired business executive, a chemical engineer and author. He was also the chairman of General Electric between 1981 and 2001

‘Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion'

Lesson: If you have a product or service that can change the world, make sure you pursue it with all you have and make sure it comes to reality.

12.Robert Collier

Robert Collier was an American author of self-help and New Thought metaphysical books of the 20th century.

‘If you don't make things happen then things will happen to you'

13. Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an American singer,  poet, civil right activist, and a memoirist.

She shares her own opinion on being successful in your business.

‘Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it'

14.Kingsley Umeh

‘One important secret to business's success is being passionate'

‘To build a successful business, you need to have that mindset that you can'

15. Beverly Sills

Beverly Sills was an American operatic soprano whose peak career was in between 1950s and 1970s

‘They are no shortcuts to any place worth going'

Lesson: The road to success is a very long and tough one. So be up and doing to embrace the journey.

16. Harriet Tubman

'Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world'

17.Drew Houston

‘Don't worry about failure, you only have to be right once'

18. Joel Spolsky

‘Nothing works better than just improving your product'

19.Stephen Saad

best business advice

Stephen Saad is a South African billionaire businessman, who is the owner and CEO of Aspen Pharmacare, which happens to be one of the largest producers of generic medicines in Africa.

‘In Life, you don't get anywhere or do anything you hope to without some sort of sacrifice'

20. Tony Hsieh

best business advice

Tony Hsieh is an American venture capitalist and internet entrepreneur. He is the owner of the online shoe and clothing company Zappos. Tony Hsieh's best business advice for business owners and aspiring entrepreneur

‘Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion'

Lesson: If not for passion, I would have quit blogging a long time ago even though it hasn't made me enough money yet. You as an entrepreneur love your business more no matter the challenges you are facing.

21.Robert T. Kiyosaki

best business advice

Robert T. Kiyosaki is a well known American businessman and author. Who is famously known for one of his written books 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad'. Here's the one of my favorite business advice from him.

‘Failure defeats losers and failures inspire winners'

Lesson: You can't succeed as an entrepreneur if you avoid failure.

22.Oprah Winfrey

best business advice

Oprah Winfrey is a well known American media executive, producer, actress, talk show host and a philanthropist. Here is her best business advice.

‘I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity'

23. Dennis Waitley

Dennis Waitley is an American motivational speaker, consultant, and writer.

‘Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field'

24. Henry Ford

Henry Ford was a business tycoon, American Capitan of industry and the founder of the Ford Motor Company.

‘A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business'

Lesson: Your product or service shouldn't only make you money but it should also add value to your customers.


‘To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart'


‘It doesn't matter how slowly you go, so long you do not stop'

27. Kim Grast

‘If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know and start charging for It'

28. Hakeem Belo-Osagie

Hakeem Below Osagie is a notable Nigerian businessman and the chairman of Metis Capital partner organizations. Hakeem

‘Teams are crucial because they combine the differing talents of different individuals, and they make the whole idea better than the part'

29.B.C Forbes

B.C Forbes was a Scottish-born American financial journalist and also an author who founded Forbes Magazine

‘If you don't drive your business, you will be driven out of businesses'

Lesson: This business advice from B.C Forbes talks about being competitive else your business wouldn't get you customers or make you money.

30. Jack Ma

best business advice

Jack Ma is a famous Chinese business magnate, philanthropist, and investor. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer of  Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate. Jack Ma shares his business advice on how to make your product more innovative.

'Always think about innovation, not just blind acquisition'

31. Strive Masiyiwa

best business advice

Strive Masiyiwa is a Zimbabwean entrepreneur, businessman, and philanthropist. He is the founder and chief executive officer of diversified international Telecommunications, media and technology group Econet wireless and Econet media (Kwesé). Strive Masiyiwa talks about being hard work and dedication to completing your vision.

‘A vision on its own is not enough, hard work and dedication is required to make that vision a reality'

Lesson: If you have a vision that your must be on the top notch, then you have to work hard and be dedicated to make sure it comes to reality.

32. Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc was an American businessman. The businessman shares his own view on risk-taking in any business.

‘If you are not a risk taker, you should get the hell out of business'

Lesson: Only take the risk that is worth it.

33.Folorunsho Alakija

Folorunsho Alakija is a prominent Nigerian billionaire businesswoman, and one of the African richest women. She talks about being productive in business

‘It's essential to draw up a "things to do" list on a daily basis and set priorities in executing them, making sure that any unfinished task get posted to the next day's list'

Lesson: The more productive you become as an entrepreneur, the more tangible and positive result you will get.

34. Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is an American producer, narrator, and producer.

‘As you grow in this business, you learn how to do more with less'

Lesson: The more experienced you are in any sort of business, you will learn to do better things with less efforts.

35. Kevin Ashley

‘The journey is forever. Do not ever let yourself feel like you have arrived, because if you do someone else will come and run right past you. You always have to keep going because you haven't reached the mountaintop yet'

36. Phineas.T Barnum

Phineas.T. Barnum was an American business, politician and showman remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes.

‘No man has a right to expect to succeed in life unless he understands, and nobody can understand his business thoroughly unless he learns it through personal application and experience'

Lesson:  Experience is the best teacher of all time, as they do say.

37. Alex Fourie

Alex Fourier is a South African entrepreneur, founder, and chief executive officer of Ifix. Tells the best business advice on making your product and service incredible.

‘Focus on making your product or service awesome. I see a lot of guys go into business with a 'how can I make money' approach. But if you go in there saying 'how can I make something awesome', the money will follow'

38. Malcolm X


Malcolm X was an American muslim minister and human right activist.

‘The future belongs to those who prepare for it today'

39. Tony Elumelu

Tony Onyemaechi Elumelu is a Nigerian entrepreneur, economist, and philanthropist. He is the founder of Tony Elumelu entrepreneurship program, a program specially designed for African entrepreneurs to get business capital, mentorship, and training.

‘My advice for small-scale entrepreneurs is: run your business well, if you run your business well, you grow'

Lesson: An entrepreneur must know to manage his  business well and mostly funds, the resources, have the ability to gain more customers and retain his customer's base

40. Walt Disney

Walt Disney was a recognizable American entrepreneur, voice actor, animator, and film producer.

‘The way to get started is to quit talking and keep doing'

Lesson: Make things happen and don't just talk about things to happen.

41. Albert Schweitzer


Albert Schweitzer was an organist, writer,Alsatian theologian, humanitarian, physician, and philosopher.

‘Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful'

Lesson: All successful entrepreneurs love what they do, that's one of the common traits they have in common.

42. Chris Grosser


Chris Grosser is an entrepreneur and also the owner of chrisgrosserphotography.com

‘Opportunities don't happen, you create them'

Lesson: Big business firms you know today didn't just appear all of a sudden. Let's take Facebook, for example, Mark Zuckerburg created Facebook because he saw the opportunity and benefits of connecting people worldwide through his idea.

43. Fred Wilson

Fred Wilson is an American businessman, blogger, and venture capitalist.

‘Markets come and go. Good businesses don't'

Lesson: As a business owner, you have to create a brand that stands out from the rest.

44. Peter .F. Drucker

Peter Ferdinand Drucker was an Austrian-born American management consultant, author, and educator,  whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation.

‘In every success story, you will find someone who has made a courageous decision'

Lesson: No matter how small the decision you made is, it can change your life forever.

44. Jeff Bezos

Jeffrey Bezos is a notable American technology entrepreneur, philanthropist, investor and the founder, chairman, and CEO of Amazon( the largest best online retailer)

If you decide that you're going to do only the things you know are going to work, you're going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table." 

45. Elon Musk

elon musk best business advice

Elon Musk is a business magnate, engineer, and investor. He is the founder, CEO and lead designer of Space X, Co-founder of PayPal, CEO, co-founder, and product architect of Tesla Inc, Co-founder of Neuralink. One of the best world's business leaders advises entrepreneurs on how to make their product better.

'If you're entering anything where there's an existing marketplace, against large, entrenched competitors, then your product or service needs to be much better than theirs' 

46. Larry Page

Larry Page is a well known American computer scientist and one of the successful internet entrepreneurs who co-founded Google with Sergey Brin. The internet entrepreneur shares one of the most captivating business advice.

'You don't need to have a 100 person company to develop that idea'

Lesson: You don't need to have lots of business team before launching your business idea.

47. Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak is A thought leader, an American inventor, programmer, technology entrepreneur, electronics engineer and a philanthropist who co-founded Apple Inc alongside with Steve Jobs

Find somebody who has been building things in their garage. That's the person you'll want to work with." The reason: Such people are problem solvers.

Lesson: Having the right team for your business is of extreme importance because they will help you reach your goal faster.

48. Bill Gates

Bill Gates is a well notable business billionaire, investor, business magnate, author, humanitarian, a philanthropist and the founder of Microsoft Corporation which he started at a very peak age.

The philanthropist gives business owners a very important advice on the decision you should take whenever you get a negative feedback from your customer about your product or service.

'Your unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning'

Lesson: Your customer's criticism of your product or service shouldn't make you feel bad as an entrepreneur but you can turn that criticism into an area of strength for your business.

49. Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is an American investor and businessman. He is the owner of National Basketball Association, Dallas Mavericks, co-founder of 2929 entertainment and chairman of AXS television. The investor gives his best business

'Learn to sell. In business, you're always selling – to your prospects, investors, and employees. To be the best salesperson put yourself in the shoes of the person to whom you are selling. Don't sell your product. Solve their problems.'

Lesson: Make your product or service more innovative in such a way that it would add value to your customers and at the same time make you money.

50.Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is an American business tycoon, philanthropist, investor, speaker who is the current chairman and chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway. Also the third wealthiest person in the world as of June 3rd, 2018. The investor reveals a useful business advice for entrepreneurs.

'The best investment you can make in this life as an entrepreneur is in your own abilities. Anything you can do to develop your own abilities or business is likely to be more productive'

Lesson: Self-investment is the best investment. You can invest in yourself as a business owner by staying healthy and reading books dedicated to the type of business you do and also entrepreneurship books.

 These are my top 50 best business advice for you as an entrepreneur who wants to achieve success in business. Which one is your favorite? And can you also add yours so that others can learn from it?. Let's know your thought using the comment box!

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Friday 28 September 2018

Nnu income program review

Nnu income program
If you have been hearing of NNU Income Program and how people have been talking about making money from it, and you are still on the fence doubting if this is not another MMM, here is the post you need to read about nnu income program review

If you are looking for a legit NNU Income Program review that is not written all in the name of getting referrals or to tarnish the image of the program, this is it.

You are on this site because you may have typed any of these key phrases;
  • Nnu income program review
  • Is NNU legit
  • Nnu income registration 
  • NNU income opportunity 
  • NNU payment program
  • nnu.ng review 

Irrespective of what brought you here, I know you want the truth, and that is what you will get. Trust me, I am sharing with you an honest NNU Income Program review and not just to join the list of webmasters talking about the program.

You are going to learn from this post, everything you need to know about NNU Income Program and if it is still safe to join or you are already late.

Payments proofs :


What is NNU Income Program? 

Nigeria News Update (aka NNU) is a company registered in Nigeria with a mission of helping students, bloggers and middle class citizens of Nigeria in generals make money online just by taking action on some certain activities.

This program was founded July 2017 by a young Nigerian netpreneur with the name Paul Samson. Paul Samson is not a new name in the make money online game in Nigeria. He has been there for a long time. He is the founder of numerous site like eboss.ng, coolnaira.ng and many others.
Since the program was initiated, it has paid out millions of Naira to it participants.

Presently, it is the only legit program (many have joined the train) online that allows it users to make money just by reading post, commenting on posts in the forum, sharing news and assigned sponsored post, and you even earn for loging into your account daily.

How to Earn From NNU Income Program? 

NNU has two revenue sharing opportunities which are;

NARS (NNU Ad Revenue Sharing) 

With NARS, you earn residual income when you log into your NNU account daily, read news, drop a nice comment on any post shared, post forum topics and share assigned sponsored posts on social media.

You are only eligible to withdraw when your NARS earnings has reached #5,000

NAP (NNU Affiliate Program) 

As far as your account get approved upon registration, you are automatically an affiliate. As an affiliate, you earn N1000 for every successful signup via your referral link. You get to see the earning on your dashboard when the person get approved.

The more people you introduce to NNU Income Program opportunity, the more money you make. For example, if you are able to just get at least 1 person to join the program daily, that is N1000 for you everyday outside your other earning from NARS.

This means, if you can successfully get only 10 persons in a month to sign up for NNU Income Program, you have N10,000 already waiting for you to cash out on pay day.

N.B : Referring is optional, is not a must.

Breakdown of the Earnings on nnu.ng
There are generally 5 ways one earn from this program and here are the amount of each earning per activity;

  • Active Daily Login

Depending on the revenue share for that day, members earn N50 or more as they log into their account each day. As far as you log into your account on a daily basis to browse through content and read news, you earn N50 or more for that day.

  • Sharing of Sponsored Posts

Everyday, NNU assign a sponsored post on member's dashboard to be shared on Facebook and Twitter feed. You earn N100 on any assigned sponsored post you share on your timeline.

On pay day, NNU will review your timeline to check if NNU assigned sponsored post is shared on your timeline as recommended before making payment for it.

  • Reading Post, Commenting and Contributing 

For commenting on any post on the website, you earn from N2 and above depending on daily ad revenue.

  • Posting Forum Topics

If you can post a relevant topic on the forum and it gets approved, you earn N100 for doing that.

  • Affiliate Commission

You earn 62.5% commission per referral. This is equivalent to N1000 per person you introduce into the program.

How Do NNU Make Their money? 

NNU make their money from ads revenue they display on the site and from sponsored posts. It is from these revenue that they share with their users.

Is the Program Legit? 

Yes, the program is legit.

There are so many evidence on the net and many social platforms of people who have been paid since the program became viral. So, there is nothing to fear. The program is legit and still open for new members to join in.

Can I Still Join Or Is it Late? 

It is never late to join. People are joining the program as you are reading this post now. CLICK HERE TO JOIN and start making money online!

1.How to make payment using paystack
With Paystack, you can use your ATM card for your Nnu income program account.

1. Fill in the code in front of your ATM card
2. Submit the date on your card as well.
3. Lastly, submit the CVV code which is the 3 digit codes at the back of your ATM card
4. Click pay and you will receive an OTP code from your bank through text message. Submit the code on the second page you will be redirected.
Your account would be approved instantly after submission and you will start earning as you take actions.

2. Payment using coupon code

You can purchase coupon codes from one of their agents, using their contact number to reach them through call or WhatsApp.

How to Join NNU Income Program Opportunity

To join the program, YOU CAN JOIN RIGHT NOW
It will only cost you a one-time fee of N1600 to get approval. After you are accepted, you just visit your dashboard, input details like the bank account details you will want your money to be sent to and you are good to go.

If you still have any questions, you can drop it in the comment box below this post and it will be attended to within 24 hours or WhatsApp me personally via https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=2348138307121

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Wednesday 26 September 2018

Top 10 Channels To Watch On Dstv Nigeria

Finally got that vacation you've been craving for? Or a long term break from school? Or probably a maternal leave from work?

And you're wondering how best to spend these long days indoors?
Not to worry! Dstv Nigeria has got just the remedy for your malady. With the new Dstv compact package featuring a total of 127 channels (tv and radio), at a cheap affordable price of #6,800, you wouldn't wish for more.

But flipping through so many channels on your remote TV, trying to find the perfect channel for the moment, can be so frustrating...which is why you need the widely-selected top channels, listed below to suit your everyday mood.

1. CNN International - channel 401

Want to stay updated on happenings around the world? This is the place to be.
This channel broadcasts live coverage of news, as it breaks from around the world and around the clock, ranging from weather, politics, business, entertainment, sports and much more. You even get to witness exclusive interviews with influential personas from around the world.

2. Supersports 3 - channel 203

Watch live matches, major sporting events and leagues of association football, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, Golf, Motorsport, Cycling, Boxing, Wrestling and many more on the world's second biggest Premier league broadcasters. All this right on your TV screen. You even get exclusive updates on sport stars. Totally beats sitting in a cramped smelly place just to watch your favourite match, right?

3. Fashion TV- Channel 178

If you love juicy gossips about celebrities, or love to stay updated on the latest fashion trend around the world, you need to stay glued to this station. With exclusive fashion related events, entertainment and lifestyle shows, interview and commentary from designers, models and make up artists...you've definitely got a fashion surety. You even get to follow your favourite model, designer and other industry insiders as they show viewers their favourite places to shop, eat, relax and and more.

4. M-net channel 101

This is the right channel to connect with blockbuster action movies, gripping international series, behind-the-scenes stories and highly engaging local shows. You get to watch your favourite international actors all day long.

5. Zee world. Channel 166

You also wouldn't want to miss these amazing blockbuster movies and series from one of the top 10 filmmaking industry in the world-Bollywood. You've also got award winning dramas, tantalizing food shows as well as myriad of variety shows.
6.Africa Magic- Channel 150-159
You get to choose from this amazing variety of African movies, shows, interviews and entertainment. With amazing movie series like The Johnsons, Tinsel, Flatmates and many more. It even comes with an ingenious variety of the top local dialects in Nigeria

7.Nickelodeon- Channel 305

Here's the best station to have kids watch. They get to catch all favourite episodes, games, clips, series, playlists and pictures from lovely shows like SpongeBob, Teenage Mutant, Ninja Turtles and more. Including educative and innovative   shows that enhances their creativity and mental capabilities.

8. MTv Base- Channel 322

Want to stay up to date on the music and entertainment industry, wanna know which celebrity is dissing which, the latest dance move? This is the place to be.
Catch the latest celebrity gossips and scandals, latest songs around the world, Top songs all over the world, exclusive chats and interviews with favourite celebs, entertainment news update, award-winning shows and much more. This channel is the cultural home of millennial generation, music, fans and artistes. Also a pioneer for creating innovative programming for young people.

9.Nat Geo Wild - Channel 182

Experience the best, most intimate encounters with wildlife shows. Unparalleled reputation for quality and blue-chip programming, plus unique insight into the natural world and its environment.

10. Dove or Iqraa. Channel 349 or Channel 346

Watch insightful religious shows, prayer sessions, amazing quotes, outreach documentaries and motivational videos. Also get to watch inspirational one-on-one examining lives and personalities from your religious icons.
You can never get bored with all thesesuper-channelss, no matter how much time you spend indoors. They'll even make you skip your scheduled siestas.
There are a lot more super amazing channels you should check out on the DStCompactct bouquet.
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Friday 14 September 2018

Expert Travel Tips On How To Save For Travel

Are уоu probably travelling оn a lоw budgеt аnd уоu really dоn’t know hоw to mаkе the рlаnѕ wоrk out fоr you? Yоu like tо attend the upcoming events аt thе Eko Hotel and Suites, do nоt stress уоurѕеlf аѕ I will dish оut ways оf whiсh you can еаѕilу uѕе tо save mоnеу fоr trаvеl and hоw you can еnjоу уоur stay using оnе gооd trаvеl agency called Travelstart Nigeria. You might have heard аbоut thiѕ brаnd аnd ѕtill don’t know whаt thеу, they mаkе уоur trаvеl аn еаѕу оnе аnd you will dеfinitеlу еnjоу уоur triр tо anywhere uѕing thеir аvаilаblе Flight Routes.

Lеt’ѕ now mоvе on tо hоw уоu саn gеt cheap flightѕ according tо уоur budget аnd hоw уоu саn ѕаvе ahead оf уоur travel. Tаkе a glаѕѕ оf water, rеlаx your hеаd аnd bе undеr a сооl Air Cоnditiоn and if perhaps you hаvе a standing fаn; Bеlоw аrе juѕt liѕt оf whаt you саn do tо save money fоr trаvеl .

1. Hаvе a List оf Thingѕ Yоu Wаnt tо Dо 

Truly it might sounds fundаmеntаl аnd аlmоѕt еvеrуоnе whо trаvеlѕ will hаvе thеir list рrераrеd, but this list ѕhоuld соntаin аll the thingѕ уоu wаnt to do whеn уоu travel оr thе places you probably wаnt tо visit. This list ѕhоuld аlѕо соntаin the соѕtѕ аѕѕосiаtеd with еасh асtivitу/рlасе уоu wаnt tо visit whеn уоu аrе оn your trip.

Cаlсulаtе in аdvаnсе hоw much уоu hаvе tо ѕреnd in оrdеr to see the DMW of Davido, оr hоw muсh that return ѕрееd bоаt tiсkеt iѕ going to соѕt. Onсе you hаvе fасtоrеd аll the соѕtѕ intо your оvеrаll budgеt, рlаn when you аrе going tо dо these thingѕ according tо thе list уоu have prepared. Thе tip in рrераring thе liѕt iѕ, always rеmеmbеr that you dоn’t hаvе tо ѕее оr dо every tourist аttrасtiоn liѕtеd in the Lonely Plаnеt to bе happy аbоut your travel. If buying thе tiсkеt fоr thаt Davido show соѕtѕ уоu уоur mоnthlу Cаnоn Cаmеrа invеѕtmеnt likе thаt оf a Crеаtivе Digitаl MediaPreneur саllеd DееDее, then уоu should probably givе it a pass.

2. Find and Chооѕе a Cheaper Mode оf Transportation 

If you can afford tо tаkе board a сlеаn Tаxi in Lаgоѕ most оn thе highlаnd, thеn уоu оbviоuѕlу ѕhоuld bе аblе tо рау thе big trаnѕроrtеrѕ fоr transporting уоurѕеlf to уоur desired dеѕtinаtiоn. But fоr those whо think that money iѕ bеttеr ѕреnt elsewhere оr if уоu are just plain or ѕtingу likе me, consider tаking a buѕ instead. But if you desired dеѕtinаtiоn is kind of far, рrоbаblу gоing on a triр tо Abujа or thе nоrthеrn раrt of thе country, whу not соnѕidеr uѕing a Chеар Flightѕ with Travelstart Nigеriа thrоugh their website www.travelstart.com.ng and you gеt tо save 50% of your travelling cost, and who knоwѕ whаt that еxtrа 50% соuld dо? It might bring hоmе that Chаnnеl bаg уоu hаvе bееn еуing ѕinсе forever. Or it juѕt might bring аbоut a giddу fееling like thе оnе I hаd, knоwing thаt I did not have tо рау full рriсе аnd ѕtill get tо be in my desired рlасе. Because, nо one is gоing tо ask уоu hоw уоu gоt to Abujа оr the рlасе уоu hаd in mind, оnсе you hаvе bееn to your desired dеѕtinаtiоn. Thеу аrе going tо ask уоu how bеаutiful the trips wаѕ how уоu enjoyed it!

3. Trу аnd Hаvе a Travel Objесtivе 

Lаѕtlу, аlwауѕ trу tо have a trаvеl оbjесtivе. If thе оbjесtivе оf уоur trаvеl to Abujа from Lagos iѕ tо visit thе Zuma Rосk lосаtеd in Nigеr State, allocate most оf уоur rеѕоurсеѕ tо buying entrance tickets to these рlасеѕ аѕ thеѕе are thе fixеd соѕtѕ thаt you cannot compromise if уоu want to mееt уоur trаvеl objective.

Anуthing еlѕе, like fооd, trаnѕроrtаtiоn, accommodation, оr Ice-Cream fоr уоur rеlаtivеѕ are аll vаriаblеѕ which can be mаniрulаtеd аnd аltеrеd to accommodate your mаin оbjесtivе.

Sо, hеrе аrе juѕt three tiрѕ. Sо, gо ahead, bооk thаt hotel and flight. Hоwеvеr, bе ѕеlfiѕh аnd stingy once уоu are thеrе, because аt the еnd оf thе dау, thе most important реrѕоn to imрrеѕѕ аnd ѕаtiѕfу during your trаvеl iѕ you.

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Monday 6 August 2018

How to come up with great business idea

come up with great business idea
There is no shortage of demand for new products and services in the world. People will never stop looking for things which make their life a little bit easier. Everyone looks for new ways that open countless windows for potential on how to find great business ideas. Even business start-up ideas can come from just about anywhere, for example, someone recognizes the need of company formation services in big cities with emerging businesses and thus he set up a consultancy in Dubai! In other words, you can come up with great business ideas if you put in an effort to notice problems and identify needs.

The first step is always the hardest. The same goes for starting a new business. Wondering how to come up with a business idea? Well, business ideas are all around you. If you are interested in starting a business but have no idea about your niche, explore these 8 techniques from the experts that could help get your creative juices flowing:

1.Solve a problem - Look for a solution about something which bugs you!

Consider the mundane problems you and other people face; tasks which frustrate you because they’re hard or time-consuming to do, although they have the potential to be made easier with the help of the right product or service. Turn your frustration into an idea.

2.Use your skill set:

 Recognize your skills and then apply them to different areas!
You are far more likely to make your idea successful if you focus on skills you have and work towards incorporating those skills in creative ideas. Think of how you can apply your skill set to different fields and markets instead of one specific field. For example, how Julie Sygiel (founder of “Dear Kate”) used her training in chemical engineering to develop leak-proof and stain-resistant underwear material to help people stay active even when they’re menstruating.

3.Don’t obsess over originality:

 Take something which already exists and make it better!
Nothing is ever perfect; there is always room for improvement. You can find a pre-existing category which hasn’t seen any recent innovations and stir it up or work towards improving pre-existing products and services. Zuckerberg didn’t invent the idea of social sites with “Facebook”- he just made a better version than his predecessors. Focus on being better, instead of worrying about being different.

4.Don’t be a perfectionist- Play with different ideas!

Take two products or services; think of how well they’ll work together if combined. Will combining them increase or decrease their productivity? This has the potential of landing you a brilliant idea but also might spark a lot of bad ideas. Remember that some ideas sound terrible at first but become brilliant at execution.

5.Keep up with the emerging trends- Make sure yours is the next big thing

Keep thinking ahead of the curve. Notice the upcoming trends and technologies and think of how they can be evolved or how you can get in on the bandwagon. Everything which exists can be made better!

6.Help people save their money- Present cheaper alternatives to existing services and products!

There are a lot of great, innovative, and life-changing products on the market but people don’t always have the luxury to be able to afford them. So if you offer them cheaper alternatives for great products, they’ll buy from you. A great business idea will be to figure out how you can help people save money on a product or service which may or may not be pre-existing.

7.Help others in an inventive way- Give people what they tell you they need!

Talk to shoppers and customers of the different fields before going in for business. Understand what your potential customers want to buy and how they want it to be marketed to them. Take their needs and turn those needs into your business idea. Be inventive while helping others and they’ll help you by supporting your business to fulfill their needs.

8.Fill gaps in existing markets- search for new niches!

Take a look at industry “Kings”. Most big players leave gaps which they consider too small for their big resources to fill. You can find your business ideas by bridging these gaps. Pick up what they’re missing and build your idea by filling the gap. Don’t reinvent the wheel, improve it.
Keep in mind that the most successful business ideas are not just the results of the lure of dollar signs. Of course, generating revenue is the ultimate goal, but don’t forget you need the proper motivation to create, innovate, inspire, and improve.

 If you’re not properly motivated, you won’t be as dedicated to your idea as you need to be and you’ll end up being pushed out of the market by those who have the motivation to do everything that needs to be done to turn idea into reality.

Author Bio:
Brenda Cagara works with a group of professional business consultants ( Riz&Mona Blog). With them, she plays an essential role in company formation, setting up business and providing a number of other services. These include visa processing, trade mark, local sponsors, bank account opening, trade license, product registration and a lot of others. She started her writing career five years back and now is an expert writer on different niches. Her writing strengths lie in business, taxation and finance niche.
Social Profiles:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brendacagara198 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brenda-cagara-ab402214b/ 
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117304420836549700751
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